Calvert City officials would like to praise residents for following the guidelines established by our Governor. Social distancing is very important during this time in our country. Here’s some important information about how to keep your family safe and our city employees safe. We’re pulling for you!
Staying away from large crowds of any size and maintain a 6 feet distance from others at all times.
Social Distancing DO’S and DON’TS
- DON’T Meet small groups for dinner, birthday parties, etc.
- DON’T make play dates for your children
- DON’T go to nonessential appointments
- DO Facetime with your friends and family often
- DO Keep a daily routine
- DO participate in activities, remotely, like YOGA Live or MCPL Book Club
- DO get outdoors and stay active while maintaining 6 feet distance from others
- DO drive-thru or curbside pick up food from local restaurants and stores if available
- DO wash your hands regularly while singing the “Happy Birthday Song”
Calvert City residents are encouraged to enjoy the outdoors in our parks. Please remember to practice social distancing. Trails and natural areas can stay open because they’re places where activity doesn’t require close contact and six feet of social distancing can be achieved. Birthday parties or social gatherings in our parks are not recommended. Please remember to follow other public health guidelines, including washing your hands frequently and staying home if you’re ill.
In an effort to protect our staff and the residents of Calvert City, we are requesting that:
- All trash MUST be bagged.
- All bags MUST be tied and contained.
- All bags MUST be in a trashcan.
Loose trash in a can or beside the can will be left. This is to reduce the spread of possible contaminants in neighborhoods. If you’ve stopped by Doctors Park to drop off you’re recycling, you may have noticed the bins are gone. No worries! They’ll be back as soon as the County Recycling opens back up. Recycling has been temporarily suspended until further notice.
Thank you for helping us keep our community as safe and healthy as possible. Enjoy the outdoors and remember to keep your distance.