It’s that time of year again! The annual cleanup day for Calvert City residents is set for September 21 in Calvert City Doctors Park. Start going through your belongings and decide what needs to go before the Calvert City Fall Cleanup!
This is an opportunity for residents to properly dispose of garbage and household hazardous waste. The free service, rain or shine, will be from 8 AM to 12 PM at Doctors Park, behind the Marshall County Public Library @Calvert City. Drive-through and volunteers from Public Works will assist you in unloading your vehicle.
Calvert City residents must bring proper identification (such as a driver’s license or water bill) to verify residency.
Accepted items include document shredding, tires (limit 8 per household), bulk/large items, used oils, antifreeze, latex paint, hazardous household waste, fluorescent lamps and bulbs old prescription drugs, and thermostats. SmartPath technologies will be on-site to assist in wiping computer hard drives.
Special thanks to our business sponsors for assisting with this event!
Calvert City Public Works
Clean Earth
SmartPath Technologies
US & V Document Shredding
For more information regarding the upcoming Fall Cleanup, please call Calvert City Hall at (270) 395-7138 or by email at