A Full-Service Community
It’s what we do.
Calvert City is a full-service city. Scroll to learn more about Public Works, Public Safety, and Utilities.
Find information on garbage pickup, streets, and sustainability.
We take pride in the safety of our neighborhoods and parks providing residents with all-risk emergency services 24/7.
If you’re new to the City, here’s some helpful information to get you settled in.
Public Works
The Calvert City Public Works Department is responsible for streets, sanitation, facility maintenance, parks and stormwater management. They are the ones that keep our city looking great! This includes parks, paved roads, culverts and all storm water conveyors, mowing, maintenance and snow removal. In April, this department hosts a Calvert City Spring Clean-up day partnering with local businesses to collect unwanted items that are not accepted during weekly sanitation routes.
While we don’t yet have curbside pickup of recycling, Calvert City has recycling bins at Doctors Park for your convenience. Bins are located in the parking lot beside the Chris Bynum Skate Park. We accept aluminum cans, plastic drink bottles, white paper, newspaper and cardboard. Calvert City works in conjunction with the Marshall County Refuse Department to combine our recycling streams for more efficiency.
Garbage Collection
The City maintains a crew and vehicles to remove residential and solid waste on a bi-weekly basis. Customers are either on the Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday route. All customers receive one solid waste cart. Additional carts may be obtained for an additional charge as necessary to handle the customer’s needs. Each cart has a serial number assigned and inscribed on it.
Once a month, Calvert City offers a bulk and household item pick-up day for all our residents. Curbside leaf collection is available during the fall and early winter months normally November through January. The City provides leaf bags at no expense to the resident. Residents may obtain leaf bags at Calvert City – City Hall Monday – Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Bagged leaves are pickup up within 24 hours of notification to City Hall (395-7138)
Helpful tips:
- Yard waste and debris must be kept separate from household waste.
- Yard waste and debris must be placed close to the road and cut in 5ft section in order to be picked up by the street department.
- Trash must be bagged and placed in Calvert City assigned trash containers.
- Items not allowed in containers: paint, tires, dead animals, wire, used cylinder oil, asphalt shingles, construction materials and batteries. There is a specific way to dispose of these items and a phone call to City Hall will help you and the City begin the appropriate disposal process.
View route schedule and route areas at the links below:
Public Safety
Please take a moment to sign up for CodeRED to be notified by your local emergency response team in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts. CodeRED also has an app available for download.
Calvert City Police Department
Calvert City Police Department works 24/7 to provide a safe environment for our citizens. All three parks in Calvert City have surveillance and are closely monitored for suspicious activity.
The Calvert City Police Department is located in the basement of City Hall. If you are in an emergency situation, dial 911.
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday 8:00 AM-4:00 PM, closed Saturday & Sunday.
Calvert City – City Hall (270) 395-7138
Calvert City Police Department (270) 395-4545
Kentucky State Police (270) 856-3375
Marshall County Crime Stoppers (270) 542-COPS
Marshall County Central Dispatch (270) 527-1333
Marshall County Sheriff’s Department (270) 527-3112
Marshall County District Court Clerk (270) 527-1721
Marshall County Circuit Court Clerk (270) 527-3883
Marshall County Clerk’s Office (270) 527-4740
Marshall County Attorney’s Office (270) 527-4730
Marshall County Commonwealth Attorney’s Office (270) 527-3624
Marshall County Jail (270) 527-4760
Crime Reports
Crime reports may be obtained online.
To obtain a crime report, you will need the following information:
• Agency Name
• Incident / Report #
• Date of Offense
Collision Reports
You may obtain a copy of your collision report here.
To obtain a collision report online, you will need the following information:
• Last name of Operator
• Agency Name
• Date of Collision
• Local Code / Report #
Persons authorized to receive copies of an accident collision report per Kentucky Revised Statute 189.635 include:
• Involved person
• Parents of Involved Juveniles
• Insurance Companies of involved persons
• Authorized Legal Representation of Involved Party with written Authorization
Miscellaneous Reports
Reports unavailable online can be purchased in the basement of City Hall in the Calvert City Police Department at 861 E. 5th St, Calvert City, KY 42029.
To obtain a report in office you must have the following:
• A valid photo ID
• $10 cash report fee
• Be an involved party listed on the report
calvert city Fire Department
Calvert City Fire Department continues to provide citizens and visitors the best possible all-risk emergency service in the protection of lives and property. There are two fire stations in Calvert City. One is located on the first floor of Calvert City Hall and our Riley Station is located on Oak Park Blvd and Hwy 62.
Public health, safety, prevention and education are key components of their mission. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer fireman, please complete the application and background check listed below.
Natural Gas
Two energy companies service Calvert City.
If you are located east of Evergreen Street:
West Kentucky RECC
If you are located west of Evergreen Street:
Jackson Purchase Energy Corp
Water and Sewer
Calvert City water must meet rigid U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Kentucky Division of Water health standards daily. We protect our source of groundwater with a wellhead protection plan. The purpose of this plan is to protect our groundwater from contamination before it occurs. We have also initiated an aggressive preventative maintenance program to insure a reliable and fiscally sound system.
The Utility expressly reserves the right to disconnect, confiscate unauthorized devices, and/or discontinue service or any other connection with or without notice where the Utility discovers, finds, or is otherwise made aware of any such installation that poses a threat to the supply, public health or public safety.
Supply – The utility cannot guarantee uninterrupted service and will not be responsible for any claims arising out of the failure to deliver continuous service.
Contact Us
Calvert City Water and Sewer, City Hall
7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Monday – Friday
Office 270-395-7138
Plant 270-395-4020
After Hours On-Call Operator 270-703-4321
Wellhead Protection Plan
Click here for the Water Wellhead Protection Plan 5-year update form or download the form below.
Applications and Forms
Applications and forms are available here.
Water Quality Report
The 2023 Calvert City Municipal Water System annual water quality report is available. This report contains important information about your drinking water. To view your 2023 annual water quality report or to request a paper copy call (270) 395-7138 or click here to download.
Cable, Phone, Internet Providers
The following cable, phone, and internet providers provide services to Calvert City businesses and residents:
800-874-2924 or 270-527-3212
90 N. Main Street
Benton, KY 42025
Windstream Communications
Dialog Telecommunications
Can’t Find What You’re Looking For?

861 E 5th Avenue
Calvert City, KY 42029
Mon–Fri: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sat & Sun: Closed
861 E 5th Avenue
Calvert City, KY 42029
8 a.m. - 4p.m.
Sat & Sun: Closed
© 2019 Calvert City. All Rights Reserved.