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Calvert City residents are in for a treat as a new yoga instructor joins the community to lead a weekly yoga class at the Calvert City Civic Center. A familiar face in Marshall County, Amber Bacon, a devoted mother of two boys, Jack (10) and Conner (6), is set to bring her passion for yoga starting January 16. This exciting free weekly yoga class, designed for all levels, will occur every Tuesday at 6 p.m.

Having spent her entire life in Marshall County, Bacon is a dedicated mother and a full-time professional who loves life’s simple pleasures. Juggling the responsibilities of raising two sons and two dogs, she still finds time for her own joy, which includes a deep appreciation for yoga, food, live shows, her love for the outdoors, and a diverse range of music.

Bacon embarked on her yoga journey over two years ago, and since then, it has become a transformative force in her life. Inspired by the positive changes it brought, she decided to step out of her comfort zone and share her passion with the community. Her mission is to create a safe, judgment-free space where individuals can prioritize self-care and mindfulness.

“I want my class to be a sanctuary for people to take a break from the demands of life, connect with yourself, and breathe. All levels are welcome. I encourage my yogis to listen to their bodies and make adjustments as needed. This is your practice, and my goal is for you to leave feeling good and relaxed both physically and mentally,” expressed Bacon.

Under the theme “To move with Grace,” She emphasizes the importance of being present and mindful during each yoga session. “This philosophy extends beyond the mat and encourages individuals to navigate life’s transitions with ease and surrender,” she followed.

Residents of Calvert City are invited to join in on this exciting yoga journey, fostering connections with others and embracing the myriad benefits of yoga.


“Grab your yoga mats, and get ready to move with grace every Tuesday at 6 p.m. at the Calvert City Civic Center.”



Yoga mats will not be provided. Children are allowed but must be accompanied by an adult. Classes will be held once a week on Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. at the Calvert City Civic Center. This is free and open to the public.